Friday, May 1, 2020


A few number of mosques built in the outlying areas of Mughal Capital Dhaka during the early Mughal Period reveal a happy blending of the Sultanate features with the new Imperial Mughal features, which characterise a transitional phase in the development of the mosque architecture in Bangladesh. This Atiya mosque is an illustrious example of this transitional phase. It is located, about six kilometers south of Atiya Union under Sadar Upazilla in the District Tangail. There are three inscriptional tablets in this mosque. Two are placed over the central doorway of the eastern façade and the third one is placed on the kibIa wall. According to the original date-plaque inscription, which is now preserved in the Bangladesh National Museum, the mosque was erected in 1019A.H./1610-11A.D. by Sayid Khan Panni, son of Bayazid Khan Panni in honour of the great saint Pir Ali Shahansha Baba Kashmiri, who propagated Islam in this part of Bangladesh (Banglapedia 2003: 321). His grave lies nearby.

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